Getting a payday loan when you need some extra money between paychecks, can be fast and easy. However, payday Loans are short-term loans of a small dollar amounts, usually paid back within two to four weeks based on your pay date. The risk with this type of loan is when the borrower is unable to pay back on time, the perpetual debt cycle of having to keep playing catch up, lands them into a deeper the debt crisis. This is not to say that if paid on time the loan would suffice despite the high interest rates tied in.
Collateral lending however, has been around in Escondido for years and offers the pawnshop model for instant debt relief. The potential customer only needs to offer up an article of value in exchange for the cash advance. Then the pawn broker holds on to the item in exchange, verses a paycheck stub or bank account access. In the case where the loan can't be paid on time, companies like Gems N' Loans will either offer an extension or just simply keep the item of value. This leaves your bank account and credit score out of the equation.
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