Imagine the most expensive credit card interest rate of 28 to 36 percent, then imagine an interest rate more than 10 times that high. This is what borrowers of these types of loans end up paying. Payday loans take money right out of your account. You don't even have to write them a check. This can also be difficult to stop. If you haven't paid back the advance, they will keep trying to push payment through, resulting in overdraft fees from your bank.
A collateral lender only requires an item of value that as security in exchange for fast cash loan. This can be anything from jewelry, gold, electronics and even antiques. Gems N' Loans won't even require a credit check. This option ensures money in hand before you payday. No strings with interest rates as low as 2%. Don't get stick in the revolving door of catch up. The only risk is losing your collateral should the loan not be paid back on time. Pawnshops are usually privately owned and are more wiling to work out extensions at times.
Avoid pay check debt, and click here to learn more from your local pawnbroker!