The Traps Related to Payday Loans and Title Loans
While payday loans are advertised as a quick fix for a financial emergency, the reality is that most people who take out a payday loans will have a very difficult time paying that first loan back when it comes due two weeks later. Most borrowers end up renewing that first loan multiple times, and incurring costly fees to do so. Vehicle title loans also risk the borrower losing their only means of transportation.
Don't let an inconvenience turn into a horror story. At Gems N' Loans in Escondido, we offer low interest collateral loans. This type of loan can easily be paid off in time and the collateral retrieved easily. Pawn shops are famous for accepting heirloom and unwanted jewelry as a sale or to be loaned for fast cash.
The Best Reasons to Get Payday Loans at Gems N’ Loans
Payday loan companies use very aggressive collection methods for customers who default on loan payments. These companies begin making incessant calls to you at home, at work or on your cell phone.
Payday loans are intended for people with a regular income who just need a bit of cash to tide them over for a few days. However, the ease of obtaining payday loans tempts those who already have very little money to take on an even greater burden to answer their short term needs.
Gems N’ Loans in Escondido offers low interest loans on collateral for fast cash. This means that regardless of your ability to pay it back right away, the worst thing that can happen is to lose your collateral, where a payday loan is due in full on the date the borrower receives his or her next paycheck, leaving them with nothing all over again.
Get Credit Fast on a Collateral Loan
According to a new study on millennials and financial literacy by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at George Washington University. The study highlights just how much millennials struggle with personal finance: of those surveyed, 42 percent had used an alternative financial service, a broad term that includes auto title loans, tax refund advances and rent-to-own products, in the five years prior to the study. Payday loans and pawnshops led the list with 34 percent of respondents reporting having used them.
Gems N' Loans Escondido offers quick and easy loans that are easy to forgive than your average payday loan institution. Often people have valuable that they can trade in for a loan, or just sell out right. Either way, these things can always be replaced when finances improve for and individual. Don't get caught behind the eight ball in a paycheck advance loan.
Learn how to get a loan for as low as 2%